

音読のすすめ (14)


















1118字の原文を374字まで削ると、ほぼピッタリ1/3になる。374÷1118 = 0.33。












『小論理学』の英語版、“The Science of Logic”(Translated by William Wallace)P130 ― P131と照らし合わせてみよう。


Thus the temperature of water is, in the first place, a point of no consequence in respect of its liquidity: still with the increase of diminution of the temperature of the liquid water, there comes a point where this state of cohesion suffers a qualitative change, and the water is converted into steam or ice. A quantitative change takes place, apparently without any further significance: but there is something lurking behind, and a seemingly innocent change of quantity acts as a kind of snare, to catch hold of the quality.

The antinomy of Measure which this implies was exemplified under more than one garb among the Greeks. It was asked, for example, whether a single grain makes a heap of wheat, or whether it makes a bald-tail to tear out a single hair from the horse’s tail. At first, no doubt, looking at the nature of quantity as an indifferent and external character of being, we are disposed to answer these questions in the negative.

And yet, as we must admit, this indifferent increase and diminution has its limit: a point is finally reached, where a single additional grain makes a heap of wheat; and the bald-tail is produced, if we continue plucking out single hairs.

These examples find a parallel in the story of the peasant who, as his ass trudged cheerfully along, went on adding ounce after ounce to its load, till at length it sunk under the unendurable burden. It would be a mistake to treat these examples as pedantic futility; they really turn on thoughts, an acquaintance with which is of great importance in practical life, especially in ethics.

Thus in the matter of expenditure, there is a certain latitude within which a more or less does not matter; but when the Measure, imposed by the individual circumstances of the special case, is exceeded on the one side or the other, the qualitative nature of Measure (as in the above examples of the different temperature of water) makes itself felt, and a course, which a moment before was held good economy, turns into avarice or prodigality.

The same principles may be applied in politics, when the constitution of a state has to be looked at as independent of, no less than as dependent on, the extent of its territory, the number of its inhabitants, and other quantitative points of the same kind.

If we look, e.g. at a state with a territory of ten thousand square miles and a population of four millions we should, without hesitation, admit that a few square miles of land or a few thousand inhabitants more or less could exercise no essential influence on the character of its constitution.

But on the other hand, we must not forget that by the continual increase or diminishing of a state, we finally get to a point where, apart from all other circumstances, this quantitative alteration alone necessarily draws with it an alteration in the quality of the constitution.

The constitution of a little Swiss canton does not suit a great kingdom; and, similarly, the constitution of the Roman republic was unsuitable when transferred to the small imperial towns of Germany.

(531 words)



With the increase of the temperature of the water, there comes a point where the water is converted into steam or ice. A quantitative change takes place, apparently without any further significance.

It was asked whether a single grain makes a heap of wheat, or whether it makes a bald-tail to tear out a single hair from the horse’s tail. We are disposed to answer these questions in the negative.

And yet, this increase and diminution has its limit: a single additional grain makes a heap of wheat; and the bald-tail is produced, if we continue plucking out single hairs.

These examples turn on thoughts, an acquaintance with which is of great importance in practical life.

In the matter of expenditure, when the Measure is exceeded on the one side or the other, the qualitative nature of Measure makes itself felt, and good economy turns into avarice or prodigality.

By the continual increase or diminishing of a state, we finally get to a point where his quantitative alteration draws an alteration in the quality of the constitution.

(177 words)



縮約してみて驚いたことがある。単語を削っただけなのだが、できあがった「英文縮約」の語数は177語。原文は531語。こちらも「和文縮約」と同様、その縮約率はピッタリ1/3になっていた。177÷531 = 0.33。


このことは、『小論理学』(松村一人訳)も、”The Science of Logic”(William Wallace訳)もともに、原文に忠実で精巧な訳であることを物語っている。哲学の世界の厳密な一面をかいま見た気がした。
