6.『英標』の1/3縮約 ― 練習問題【81】~【110】
The mystery time past continually enthralls me. The curtain of cloud that hides the scenes of the past is broken here and there, and we can have magic glimpses into that lost world, which is as actual as our own. Forward we cannot see at all, backward we can see in part. In that strange relation of past and present, poetry is always inherent, all hallowed in our imagination by the passage of the years. (76語/201語=38%)
村に補聴器をつけている医者がいる。娘が2歳のとき、補聴器をつけた別の人に会って、「あの人はお医者さんよ」と無邪気にいった。しかし娘は概念をつくり上げたり、訂正したりすることによって、たとえ判断を誤っていたとしても、知識への道を娘がたどっているのだと思われた。 (124字/444字=32%)
In the vilage there’s a doctor wearing a hearing aid. When my daughter at the age of 2 met another man wearing a hearing aid, she simply said, “That man’s a doctor.” But she was while she’s mistaken, on the path to knowledge which goes by way of the making and correcting of concepts. (54語/145語=37%)
When I was very young and the urge to be some place else was on me, I was assured by some mature people that maturity would cure this itch. And now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. I don’t improve. I fear the disease is incurable. (49語/153語=32%)
ケンブリッジ大学の数学の教授は、教え子の一人が自分よりずっと数学に長じているし、またあらゆる点で自分より教授の職に適していると判断した。彼は自分の教え子が教授に任命されることを条件に職を辞した。教授の名はバローで、教え子はニュートンだった。周囲を見回して、自分よりもすぐれた人物をみたら、バロー流に行動するべきである。 (159字/478字=33%)
The professor of mathematics at Cambridge decided that one of his pupils was a better mathematician than he, and in all respects more fitted for his job. He resigned his chair, on condition that his pupil be appointed. The professor’s name was Barrow and his pupil was Newton. We look around, see a better man, and do a barrow. (58語/169語=34%)
人間は、狼が持つ特徴の多くを持って生まれてはいるが、いろいろの技術によって自己を部分的に教化したうえで、その技術を子孫に伝えさらに向上させる。 (70字/216字=32%)
While men are born with many of the characteristics of wolves, man transmits the arts by which he has been partially tamed and improves upon them. (26語/75語=35%)
アメリカの教育制度は、特定の社会環境の必要を満たすために発達してきた。その顕著な特徴は、知識人の教育よりも大衆の教育に重点を置いているということである。その結果、同じ地域の子どもは、幼稚園から高校まで同じ学校に通うことになる。 (113字/324字=35%)
The American educational system has grown up to meet the needs of the particular environment. The distinctive feature of the system is its emphasis on education of the masses rather than on intellectuals. As a result, most children in the same community attend school together from kindergarten to high school. (49語/131語=37%)
Dixon ran into the street. A bus was due to turn up at College Road between one-ten and one-fifteen or so. He ran faster. A bus was coming slowly up the hill from the city. It must be the one and he must get it. He began even faster, so that people began to skip out of his way. The bus, unable to begin its turn into College Road, was halted in mid-traffic. He ran towards the corner of College Road, but the bus began moving again. When the gap between man and bus had narrowed to perhaps five yards, it began to widen rapidly.(104語/288語=36%)
Old people are oppressed by the fear of death. The way to overcome it is to make the walls of the ego recede and your personal life absorbed into the universal life. A human existence should be like a river ―small at first and rushing passionately, and in the end the waters become absorbed in the sea, and lose their individual being. Since the things he cares for will continue, if weariness increases, the thought of rest will be welcome. (80語/241語=33%)
“I’ve got a story to tell you. I must tell you the story. I think you’ll be able to use it.” “If you must, you must.” ” Don’t you want me to? I thought you’d be pleased. (36語/108語=33%)
I was lucky to have a heavy timber to hold on to, and went down the river. It was beginning to be light enough. There was a brush island ahead and the current moved toward the shore.I wondered if I should take off my boots and clothes and try to swim ashore, but decided not to. (57語/185語=31%)
Wherever you decide to have your holiday, you can’t have it without getting there. Being a slave to a time-table is about the only reliable way of getting off on time. If you’ve got to catch the eight-forty from Paddington station, then you go to Paddington at eight-forty and catch it. What could be simpler? (55語/183語=30%)
The free mind is valuable. I can understand why a sytem built on a pattern must try to destroy the free mind, for that is one thing which can destroy such a system. (33語/93語=35%)
It was past five o’clock. Father with a newspaper, mother with socks, were in a villa, wondering where I was and what I was doing. (25語/73語=34%)
A human figure strode on through rain, following the little path. The sad wan light revealed the lonely pedestrian to be a man of slender frame. At a rough guess, he might have been about forty years of age. He appeared tall, but he was not more than five-feet-eight or nine. (51語/157語=33%)
No less important than the brilliant few that lead a nation to fresh achievements are the unknown many whose efforts keep the world from running backward; who guard and maintain the ancient values and pass on what they inherited from their fathers to their sons. (45語/121語=37%)
My life has been spent in solitude and wandering. I have lived about as solitary a life as a modern man can have. Loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, peculiar to myself and to a few other solitary men, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.(51語/162語=31%)
The very qualities which led to man’s success are also those most likely to destroy him. It is not beyond possibilities that he may yet cause the total elimination of mankind. (31語/88語=35%)
The environment the artist needs is peace, solitude, and pleasure. The writer doesn’t need economic freedom. I’ve never known anything good in writing to come from having accepted any free gift of money. If he isn’t first rate, he fools himself by saying he hasn’t got time or economic freedom. (49語/160語=31%)
I have been aware that it takes all sorts to make a world. Having realized the truth, one finds it hard to believe that one’s opinions are alone right. This conviction of man’s diversity must find it moral expression in the practice of the completest possible tolerance. (47語/144語=33%)
‘Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.’ In no country other than England can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a balmy spring morning. In the late afternoon it will be summer. This uncertainty of the weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishman’s character. The reason why English people established so many colonies in the world was that whatever weather that they met abroad, they were able to adapt themselves to the given conditions.(88語/288語=31%)
He appeared so ill as to require medical attention, which was not sufficient to keep him from those who needed his services more than he did his rest.(28語/84語=33%)
My teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over my hand, she spelled into the other the word water. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motion of her fingers. I knew then that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul.(58語/170語=34%)
I’m now forty, the same age as Eliot was when, at the age of twenty, I first met him. Living a few years beyond his age has been his art of living and writing. (32語/95語=34%)
Jim’s mother died when Jim was born, and the only woman he knew was Amy, the Swedish housekeeper. “I don’t like you,” Jim said. “I like you,” the housekeeper said.(30語/83語=37%)
Curiosity is one of the lowest of the human faculties. You’ll have noticed that when people are inquisitive, they are nearly always have bad memories and are usually stupid at bottom. (31語/92語=34%)
人類が理想実現のために抱いているすべての意欲のうちで、行動となってはっきりと現されうるのは、そのわずか小部分にすぎない。残りの意欲はすべて見えない結果となって現れる運命を持っている。興味のない仕事をすることが多くの人びとの運命である。しかしながら、同胞のために、個人的行動をとって、人間らしい人間となりうる機械がない立場の人はひとりもありえない。同胞のために真の人間愛を実践しようと努力することに、人類の未来はかかっている。 (210字/651字=32%)
Of all the will for the ideal which exists in mankind only a small part can be manifested in action. All the rest is destined to realize itself in unseen effect. The lot of the many is to have a soulless labor. Yet no one finds himself in the position of having no opportunity of giving himself for the good of fellow men. That everyone shall exert himself to practice true humanity towards his fellow men, on that depends the future of mankind. (83語268/語=31%)
【107】 ことわざ(省略)
The history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making the right and wrong use of the discoveries of science. Science has not only lengthened life but it has deepened its quality. But the gifts of modern science can be misused. Vehicles facilitate business but they can strew the roads with dead and dying. It is this twofold aspect of the use to which science can be put that has raised the question as to how far it is morally justifiable to make and perfect discoveries and inventions which can be used for purposes of destruction or result in the ultimate impoverishment of man. (109語/299語=36%)
Speech is so familiar a feature of daily life that we rarely pause to define it. Yet it needs but a moment’s reflection to convince us that this naturalness of speech is but a illusory feeling. The process of acquiring speech is utterly different from the process of learning to walk.
Remove the new-born individual from the social environment into which he has come and transplant him to an utterly alien one. He will develop the art of walking in his new environment very much as he would have developed it in the old. But his speech will be completely at variance with the speech of his native environment.
Speech is a human activity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage. (143語/451語=32%)
When the building of the pyramids was a technological triumph. Many men died in the doing of it. That was not important. There were plenty of men. Men were less important than God or the State or an idea. Man has never been important to most men. As long as men have been around, they have wanted power ―power over the external world, and power over another. (68語/209語=33%)