2.『英標』の1/3縮約 ― 練習問題【1】~【50】
習慣は第二の天性だ。古強者である軍人ほど十分にこれを理解しうる人はない。日々の訓練が人間を完全につくり変えてしまうのである。 (61字/173字=35%)
Habit is a second nature. No one can appreciate this as well as a veteran soldier. The daily drill fashions a man completely. (23語/65語=35%)
偉大な作家の作品を読んでいる時には、宝物を捜していると考えるべきである。 (36字/106字=34%)
When we’re reading a great author, we ought to consider ourselves as searching after treasures. (15語/42語=36%)
He might make a boxer as far as width and heaviness of shoulder went but there’s a mildness around his mouth and eyes. (23語/63語=37%)
When I come into contact with him, I determined to know him well. (13語/36語=36%)
A sailor does not spit on the deck, thereby strengthening his self-control and saving unnecessary work for someone else. (19語/64語=30%)
ピラミッドの石を押し出すことは、シェークスピアの作品の中で、意味を変えないで語を変えたりすることほど困難ではない。 (57字/159字=36%)
It’d be scarcely more difficult to push a stone out from the Pyramids than to alter a word in the works of Shakespeare. (23語/62語=37%)
We go through life wearing colored spectacles. We see subjectively, not objectively; what we are capable of seeing, not what there is to be seen. (25語/71語=35%)
書類が完全に焼失したとき、ニュートンは苦心の結晶が灰燼に帰したことを知った。彼は、心のなかで悲嘆にくれていたものの、いつもと変わらぬ優しさで犬をなでた。 (76字/229字=33%)
As the destruction by fire of his papers was complete, Newton perceived the labours were reduced to ashes. He patted the dog with his usual kindness although grief was at his heart. (32語/88語=36%)
He was middleweight boxing champion of Princeton. He learned it painfully and thoroughly to counteract the feeling of inferiority and shyness. (21語/64語=33%)
英語は、世界の広範な部分に広がっているが、その起源は卑賤であいまいなものである。英語はイギリス固有のものではなく、5世紀にドイツ民族によってもたらされたものでる。 (81字/222字=36%)
English has spread over so large a portion of the world, but its origin is humble and obscure. English isn’t native to England but was brought there by the German tribes in the 5th century. (35語/96語=36%)
だれかに文句があったら、本人に言いなさい。だれにも迷惑のかからない生活をしなさい。 (41字/120字=34%)
If you have any fault to find with any one, tell him. Live to the injury of no one. (19語/53語=36%)
Our journey from Penang to Singapore began at night. The noise of the insects was like an escape of steam. A thousand cicadas could shout down a steel works.
あなたは本を吟味する試金石を持っている。あなたはその本が誠実であると思えますか。誠実さは、文学においても徹頭徹尾大切な性質である。 (65字/198字=33%)
You have a touchstone by which you test every book. Does the book seem sincere? Honesty in literature is the quality that counts first and counts last. (27語/80語=34%)
坂道の両側に立ち並ぶ住宅は古かったが、その付近もまたロンドン郊外の美をこわしている例の変化を受けていた。 (52字/155字=34%)
The dwellings on either side in an ascending road were old, although the neighbourhood was undergoing change such as destroys the picturesque in London suburbs. (25語/65語=38%)
記憶は虚構である。われわれは過去の経験を、それに意義を与える現在の経験によって潤色し、それによって過去の経験がどうであったかということではなく、現在の自分がどうであるかを説明するのである。 (94字/253字=37%)
Memories are transformed into a myth. We color our past experiences with those present ones which give them significance, illustrating what we are and not what they were. (28語/76語=37%)
イギリスで最大の力を持つのは世論である。世論は戦争に賛成であるか反対であるかを決める力であり、外交政策に大きな影響を及ぼす力である。 (62字/174字=36%)
The greatest force in England is public opinion. It is the power that decides for or against war; it is the power that influences English foreign policy. (26語/75語=35%)
作家は書いている事がらについて十分に知っている場合、知っていることを省いてもよい。氷山に威厳があるのは、8分の1しか表面に出ていないからである。 (72字/200字=36%)
If a writer knows enough about what he’s writing, he can omit things he knows. The dignity of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. (30語/80語=38%)
現代は無力感が支配的になっている時代である。われわれは、蛇に魅入られたうさぎのように、その危険を見つめるだけである。 (58字/173字=34%)
The present time is the one in which impotent perplexity is prevailing. Like a rabbit fascinated by a snake, we stare at the peril. (24語/63語=38%)
Many a civil servant has done as much as a politician to frame policies and direct administration, but he remains behind the scenes out of the limelight. (27語/74語=36%)
私は真理の大海は眼前に横たわっているのに、美しい貝殻を見つけて楽しんでいるようなものにすぎなかった。 (50字/131字=38%)
I have been diverting myself in finding a pretty shell while the great ocean of the truth lay before me. (20語/54語=37%)
Writing or speaking English is an art. Concrete words are better and the shortest way of saying is the best. (20語/53語=38%)
The furniture of the room consisted of but three pieces. All these seemed to have been recently brought in, for all were free from dust. (25語/79語=32%)
古くなったペニー貨を砂でこすると金色になり、新しく見える。詩は、つまらなく平凡に見えたことばに光沢を与える。詩は「ことばの再創造」をしている。 (70字/222字=32%)
If you rub an old penny with sand, it’ll come out a bight gold color, looking new. Poetry brightens up words that looked dull and ordinary. Poetry is ‘re-creating language.’ (30語/81語=37%)
母は私のためにずいぶん苦労させられた。弟のヘンリーには苦労しなかった。彼が善良で正直で従順であったことは、母には重荷になっただろう。私は安定剤で、私は母の役に立った。 (83字/264字=31%)
My mother had a good deal of trouble with me. She had none with my brother, Henry. His goodness and truthfulness and obedience would’ve been a burden to her. I was a tonic and valuable to her. (38語/99語=38%)
I was thoroughly soaked. I wished I’d never left home. I cut so miserable a figure that, I found, I was suspected to be some runaway servant. (27語/73語=37%)
The fingers of one hand are fewer than those of both. A stone stopsunless it be moved. When man had acquired this much knowledge, the outlines of mathematics and physics were sketched. (32語/85語=38%)
She made him new. The one thing he’d had, a sense of humour, blossomed into a sudden richness to which his years lent maturity. (24語/66語=36%)
Mankind is insane at present. We call an individual insane if his ideas are out of adjustment to his circumstances. This definition of insanity seems to cover the entire human species. It is no figure of speech that man has to ‘pull his mind together’ or perish. (47語/129語=36%)
In the past a great orator could reach, at the most, a few thousand listeners. Today, thanks to applied science, a dictator can pour his evangel into the ears of tens of millions. (33語/88語=38%)
世界の面を変えてしまっている新しい力のうち、実際的目的の追究、または知識が提供する力を活用することに対する関心から生じたものが、どんなに少ないかをわれわれは知っている。 (84字/230字=37%)
We know how little of the new knowledge which has altered the face of the world resulted from a quest for practical ends or an interest in exercising the power that knowledge gives. (33語/88語=38%)
The Englishman absorbs ideas slowly. But in proportion to the slowness with which he can be moved, is the slowness with which he can be removed. (26語/72語=36%)
科学の目的は予知することで理解することではない。科学は事実や現象を記述し、法則によってこれらを結合し将来を予言しようと試みる。 (63字/169字=37%)
The aim of science is to foresee, not to understand. Science describes facts and phenomena and joins them by laws, to be able to predict events in the future. (29語/80語=36%)
Life can exist under suitable light and heat. Upset the balance of excess or defect, and life must disappear. (19語/50語=38%)
私が国を出たのは、どこか植民地に行って、牛か羊を飼育する荒地を買うつもりであったからだ。それによって英国にとどまっているより手っ取り早く運命を切り開くことができると考えた。 (86字/225字=38%)
When I left home, it was with the intention of going to some colony, and purchasing land for farming. I thought I could better my fortunes more rapidly than in England. (31語/83語=37%)
The quality of a civilization is the quality of its leisure. One can tell much about a man by the objets for joy. The same is said of a nation. (30語80/語=38%)
西洋人にとって東洋は神秘の国であった。その精神は依然として、不思議な縁遠いものになっている。 (46字/126字=37%)
To the Westerner, the East has been the land of mystery. Its inward spirit still remains strange and remote. (19語/50語=38%)
現代の人間は、かすかな光が、うすぐらがりを照らしてくれることを望ながらふりかえる。 (41字/120字=34%)
Modern man looks back into the twilight and hopes that its faint beams will illuminate the obscurity. (17語50/語=34%)
2千冊の本を自慢するとしたらばかげたことだろう。オーバーが2着あるのを自慢したほうがましだ。 (46字/132字=35%)
To be proud of 2,000 books would be absurd. You might as well be proud of two overcoats. (18語/50語=36%)
人は自己を愛さない限り、他人を愛することもできない。そうした考えが周囲の人びとに対する態度に反映するだろう。 (54字/167字=32%)
You cannot love others unless you love yourself. Having a poor opinion of yourself will be reflected in your attitude toward the people around you. (25語/65語=43%)
それは暖かい日だった。公園の池には20そうあまりのボートが浮かんでいた。公園は記録破りの人出だったと新聞が報じてもよいような好天気であった。 (69字/230字=30%)
It’s a warm day. The lake in the park had a couple of dozen rowboats on it. The weather was of the sort that would’ve permitted the newspapers to report record-breaking crowds in the park. (35語/98語=36%)
気持ちよく時間がたつのを忘れさせてくれ、しかも読み終わってしまえば、さらりと忘れてしまう無数の探偵小説がなかったとしたら、娯楽としてなにをしたらよいか困るところだ。 (82字/220字=37%)
I don’t know what I should do for relaxation were it not for the innumerable detective stories that so engagingly pass the time and once read pass straight out of one’s mind. (31語/89語=35%)
A loving wife will do anything for her husband, criticizing and improving him. That’s the right attitude for a citizen. We should cast the same affectionate but sharp glance at our country. (32語/88語=36%)
Our governments belong to us, not we to them; and our purpose is to use them for the enlargement of our freedom, not to be used by them. (28語/83語=34%)
空想の城は持つにも、落ち着いた心を保つにも、もっともよい城である。その姿もそこからの眺めも常に喜ばしい。この空想の城が消えてしまわないように手入れをしておくことが賢明である。 (87字/237字=37%)
Your castles in the air are the best castles to possess, and keep a quiet mind. The prospect of and from them is always delightful. It’s prudent to keep them in good repair in case they vanish. (37語/100語=37%)
芸術家の直観は、世の中をありのままに知ることであり、それこそ芸術家の主要な知識である。このような発見の喜びが芸術家の出発点である。 (65字/204字=32%)
The intuition of the artist is direct knowledge of the world as it is. This is the primary knowledge of the artist. This joy of discovery is his starting point. (30語/78語=38%)
The doctor treats, nature heals. The purpose of medicine is providing sick organisms with their self-regulative powers. Without natural healing powers, medicine would be helpless. (25語/66語=38%)
Once a book is printed and published, it ceases to be the property of the author. All his attention is claimed by some new book. (25語/76語=33%)
To see things, in themselves and in their relations to other things is the aim of science. No scientist cares to hear much about the utility of science. (28語/75語=37%)
The original artist who counts on understanding is a fool. For the reason that he is original, he will wait a long time to be understood. (26語/84語=31%)
Departing friends implore us not to come to the station. They would think it odd of us if we took them at their word. (24語/47語=51%)