①Few peoples have been more often discussed than the English. ②In the history of human society for several centuries England has been among the principal world energies: ③Englishmen have often, and in a variety of fields, been either leaders or valuable contributors of noteworthy progress.
EDMUND BLUNDEN, Addresses on General Subjects
①Few peoples have been more often discussed than the English.
A have been more often discussed than B .
A は B よりもmore often にdiscussされてきた。
②In the history of human society for several centuries England has been among the principal world energies:
(In X)England has been (among Y):
(Xにおいて) 英国は(Yのなかにあった / Yの一つであった)。
★(In X)は has beenを修飾。
★(among Y) はbe動詞のC(補語)
③Englishmen have often, (and in a variety of fields), been either leaders or valuable contributors (of noteworthy progress).
A have often been either B or C (of noteworthy progress).
Aはしばしば(注目すべき進歩の)BないしはC であった。
★「,カンマ」から「,カンマ」までの部分は挿入されている。「,and in a variety of fields,」は挿入句。とりあえず省いて考える。
★(of noteworthy progress)はB とC の両者を修飾する。